Friday, September 25, 2009

Turkey Named Chicken.

There once was a turkey named Chicken. But he never thought of himself as a scared turkey… The rest of the turkeys called him Chicken because they were not nice, and they didn’t like Chicken. One day, Chicken decided to leave the turkeys and live with the chickens. When he got to the chicken coop the chickens shunned him and didn’t look at him at all. Chicken got all sad and decided to go back to the turkeys. The only nice turkey, Piñata, didn’t talk, but he gave Chicken a look that made him think, “yes, I am a turkey! And I will prove it!” So Chicken went out in the woods, searching for proof that he is a turkey, when all of a sudden he sees a human. Immediately after he sees the human, he hears a big bang, and then he fell to the ground. The human picked him up and got him ready for Thanks Giving. As Chicken was laying there, nicely cooked on the table he thought, “I knew I was a turkey” as the prayers began thanking God for the food. Then before Chicken was completely destroyed the same man who shot him in the woods ran up and karate chopped him and yelled “DEATH!!!”
The End.

** Disclaimer: Events in this story Actually happened. Warren did karate chop the desk and said "DEATH" the day i wrote this. yes. he was talkin bout me. ^.~ **

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