Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Wunnerfullness Awesomeville

In a perfect world, the rivers would turn into rainbows. The children would dance and play with gumdrop smiles. Real bunnies would turn into chocolate bunnies, and the tooth fairy would have the power to turn them back into cute fluffy real bunnies, and all would be happy. Kittens would become mittens, and puppies would become slippers. Clowns would all die. Nazis would all die. Nazi clowns would be double dead. There would be no flies, because cute little froggies would eat them all. Wasps would die. Honey bees would have no stingers. All people would ride magic flying unicorns instead of driving cars. For family trips, they could attach a purple carriage to their unicorn. Peter Pan would make you believe in fairies. Tinker Bell would be put in a birdcage for trying to kill Wendy. And no one will defy the Muffin King, except for me and my disciples. 

--By Alicia Moden

* FIRST POST FROM A FRIEND! haha! awesome sauce ^.^ *

1 comment:

  1. lol how do u double die? u have 2 tripple kill them 1st? is it killing the killed (aka bringin them back 2 life)? these pants make my butt look big? wat am i even sayin? is this even real!!?!?!?!?! is my life all a lie?...idk about the other questions but im pretty sure the last 1 is a yes lol
